"Making Disciples Who Make Disciples"

As a church, we are commanded to spread the Gospel. We support many ministries, both local and abroad.
One annual activity we enjoy each October is making apple butter to raise money for the Maggie Kyte Ladies' Circle!

Ministries OGCC Supports!

Assistance and Resource Ministries (ARM)

ARM's Mission:

To take the many human and material resources available in Carter County as well as those which may be brought into the county through grants and other means to benefit the needy in  Carter County  in the most  efficient and equitable way possible.

To help the community become aware of emergency short term needs which exist in our community and to inform them of which services A.R.M can provide.

To help identify and secure the necessary human, financial  and material  resources required to provide basic emergency necessities for those persons who are slipping through the crack in our present social system.  

Home - Arm Assistance And Resource Ministries Inc (armfoodpantry.com)  

American Indian Christian Mission (AICM)

AICM's Mission:

AICM exists to: “Evangelize and Equip Native Americans for Christ.” Evangelism:  Our purpose is to help Native Americans become aware of God and to bring them into a saving knowledge of His Son, Jesus Christ.  We teach that accepting Christ is the only way one can be saved. We accomplish this in a 3-fold ministry; The AICM boarding school, outreach to families of students, and Blue Bus ministry.


East Tennessee Christian Home and Academy (ETCHA)

ETCHA's Mission & Vision:

East Tennessee Christian Home and Academy is a ministry dedicated to “Growing Girls God’s Way.”

We exist to provide a Christ-centered ministry to help at-risk adolescent girls and their families in need of respite and/or reprieve.

ETCHA offers hope by giving a safe home with kindhearted, Christian house parents and staff; through nationally recognized biblically-based academics; and through learning about what Christ can bring to life! ETCHA receives no state funding and depends on gifts from generous donors to make the ministry successful.

East Tennessee Christian Home & Academy (etcha.org) 

Second Harvest Food Bank


Second Harvest Food Bank of East Tennessee, a member of Feeding America, has worked to compassionately feed East Tennesseans experiencing hunger since 1982. Last year, Second Harvest distributed more than 21 million pounds of food across an 18-county service area through multiple feeding programs and 630+ community partners.

Second Harvest Food Bank of East Tennessee (secondharvestetn.org) 

Uganda Christian Church Mission - Joshua Owuor

Recovery Soldiers Ministries


To help individuals develop positive life-skills that guide them in to a deeper relationship with God and others. 


To provide men and women with a faith-based recovery program that promotes spiritual development through practical biblical teaching, and comprehensive life skills that release them from the bondage of addiction. 

Recovery Soldiers Ministries 

Missio International


Missio International is in our third decade of serving as a gateway through which American Christians form relationships with Romanian Christians in order to serve the spiritual and social needs of the Romanian people.

As a gateway our mission is twofold

We serve

Missio International - Christ-centered programs addressing the spiritual and social needs of Romanians